Saturday, May 31, 2014

Zen Shorts

Zen Shorts is an inspiring and whimsical tale of a giant panda bear named Stillwater and his three new friends Addy, Michael and Karl. Stillwater the bear has just moved in next door to the three siblings, and day by day each sibling goes to visit the panda. On each of their visits, Stillwater tells the children a story. His stories are filled with short meditations and concepts about life to think about, including giving without expecting to receive and carrying the weight of burdens that are useless to us. I really loved this book and think the messages that author Jon Muth relays are some of the most important to carry throughout life, and can be easily understood by young children. The characters, especially Stillwater, have something to teach everyone who reads this colorful story. I think this book could be used in every classroom regardless of age group because the messages are important for children and adults to understand. I imagine it being used as inspiration for students to create their own zen shorts: short stories that carry a big message. It's also a great tool to teach perspective in writing, or to look at character development with young children.

Muth, J. J. (2005). Zen shorts. New York: Scholastic Press.

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