Monday, July 28, 2014

Open This Little Book

Masterfully created and written by Jesse Klausmeier and Suzy Lee, Open This Little Book is a fantastically creative children's book that ignites the imagination and encourages reading. This book is done in a "Russian-doll-esque style", because the book is actually many "books" inside of each other! While the book itself stays the same size, each page gets physically smaller and smaller as it creates a rainbow of pages as you reach the end. This innovative book is about friendships, never-ending stories, and just encompasses the overall excitement of reading. As you turn each page of the book, a new book begins that includes characters and friends from the last page. 

This was such a fun book to read and I'm so glad I picked it up to review. It is colorful, adorable, inviting, and ingenious! It reminded me that books aimed at young readers can still be enjoyed by seasoned readers as well! I thought the characters were cute, and I loved how the last story tied in all of the stories at once. I enjoyed the last page of the book too because it sends a great message to keep on reading! I feel like there are many applications to use this book in the classroom, but for young readers I would focus on either the color aspect or the characters of this book. Students could create their own stories for the animals, possibly by changing the colors to make it unique and their own. They could also create a class book in the same nesting fashion with the stories the student's wrote, even enlarge it to hang on a wall of their classroom. 

Klausmeier, J. (2013). Open this little book. San Fransisco, CA: Chronicle Books.

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