Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Words with Wings

Words with Wings is an inspirational youth novel written in poetic prose from the viewpoint of a daydreaming girl named Gabby. Gabby has always been a daydreamer, like her father, but after her parents started arguing at home she begins using her daydreams as an escape from reality. Her father has moved out of the house, and Gabby and her mom have moved cities where Gabby has to start a new school. She struggles with being the shy, quiet girl as the other students make fun of her. She is often reprimanded for her daydreaming by her teachers, mother and peers. Gabby knows that the world inside her head and the person she is on the inside is beautiful, kind and colorful. She wishes her peers would take the time to get to know that part of her, but a new teacher at her school is the one to open her up. This teachers shows Gabby that her daydreams shouldn't be something to be ashamed of, and Gabby learns that her dreams are actually what can allow her to fly. Even though she struggles with making new friends, moving schools and living without her father, Gabby's spirit soars when she uses her talents to embrace who she is.

This book reminded me a lot of the story Love That Dog by Sharon Creech because it is written in similar style with similar characters and plot. I loved how this book began and how it developed into a blossoming story of imagination, one girl's free spirit, friendship and the power of words. It shows teachers that they can make a difference and change a person's life, and it shows readers who are similar to Gabby that they should embrace the unique qualities that make them who they are. I loved how this story is written in different forms of poetry, yet it's atypical poetry because they don't rhyme and look like they could just be story words. But that's exactly what poetry is, and this book is a great tool to use to get students to warm up to the idea of writing poetry. I would have students read this story (together or as a class) and write their own poems about their life experiences.

Grimes, N. (2013). Words with wings. Honesdale, PA: WordSong.

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